An example of an Agreement for the return of a seized animals by the BC SPCA
The BC SPCA can decide to return your animals to you with a contract where you must abide by the listed conditions. The above Agreement has had large sections redacted to protect the animals and their owners. The Agreements entered into by the BC SPCA require the payment of their costs upfront: There are no payment options other than the full amount. If the pet owner can not afford the hundreds to thousands of dollars upfront then the Agreement is void and the BC SPCA will keep the animals for resale, euthanasia and whatever they decide.
A misleading provision is that the pet owner and the BC SPCA have reached an Agreement for the return of the animals: In fact, the pet owner had no say in any of the provisions including the BC SPCA coming on their property again.
In addition to payment upfront, the conditions require several hundreds to thousands of dollars of expense on the pet owner and failure to meet any provision can result in the animals being seized at the owners expense once again.
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