Local Businesses feature their pet products and services at the BC SPGA Pet Gala

Working Together For Animal and Guardian Wellbeing

Over 2.5 million British Columbians have pets and animals. BC SPGA is the Voice for their guardians and there is always something that is irresistible or needed for our furry family members.

Consumers want to know about BC made services and products and the BC SPGA provides access to the interested public while proceeds benefit our programs.

See how the BC SPGA works together with BC Businesses and Services:

  • Proud to represent BC made services and products
  • BC SPGA's Annual Gala features awards for the Best of BC!
  • Membership Launch Business memberships savings only $9.99 monthly
  • BC SPGA showcases good health and wellbeing

Products and Services which feature healthy lifestyle choices and good health for animals are provided BC SPGA referrals and are accepted into the Working Together advertising program.

Our programs are provided to ensure the betterment of life for both animals and their guardians. For example, the BC SPGA Guardian and Pets In Hardship Program is a first of its kind program for British Columbia's animal and pet guardians who are experiencing financial hardship with pets in need of veterinary care or basic needs and our advertisers will ensure that pet owners have access to the best of BC's products and services for themselves and their pets.

Front cover feature story of Felicia and her animal rescue work
Our animals deserve lives that are the best that they can be.

How your local business benefits

Becoming a business that we promote is a cinch! The Membership Launch Special includes a annual business membership for less than $10 a year. As a business member, your product or service must include a discount or promotion for our pet guardian membership and the public.

We are open to creative marketing ideas for your local product or service. All that we ask is that your services and products involve no animal cruelty and are eco-friendly.

Creative Marketing Ideas

Creative marketing is what we are all about. Discounts for our members for products is very popular. For additional cost we can banner advertise on our web site and we may even write a review on your product or services. We also include information in our enewsletter which reaches our membership and other interested members of the public.

We participate with business owners in networking to develop relationships with people and companies who represent animal and pet guardian interests, products or services.

Ready to get started? Begin with a Special Savings Membership Launch discount by signing up for a Business membership. *Only businesses who sell, make or distribute products and services in British Columbia can apply for our Business Membership*. We support local businesses products and services.

Members also enjoy participation in our AWARDS GALA, a casual dress event with pets invited.

For questions or more information, please contact us.

Good Puppy! Training Guide for good outcomes in the basics of puppy training.

BC SPGA fundraising campaign
Check our membership specials!

Delicious pawsome organic healthy dog and cat treats
Homemade organic, no chemicals, no preservatives dog and cat treats
dog and cat tested and approved!

Advertise your product or service

Advertise your product or service here