The extreme lack of pet friendy housing is now the top reason for animal surrenders in British Columbia.
Pets and their guardians are discriminated against in the vast majority of BC's residential vacancies. This has resulted in more animals being euthanized or surrendered (and often euthanized) because there simply isn't room for them anywhere including most of BC's no-kill rescues which are struggling with over-crowded premises and a lack of funding.
BC SPGA makes headway in pet-friendly tenancies
In the recent 2024 provincial election Premier Eby's campaign platform conceded to "allowing pets in purpose-built rentals." Although a significant step in the right direction this is by no means the end of pet discrimination in BC residential tenancies. Join our campaign action today - be the change for homeless animals.
.The irony is that over half of BC's population has animals or pets. Surveys show that Canada is an animal loving nation with of 95% of pet guardians considering their pets as 'family members.'
While Ontario changed their laws in 2006 and have had no significant challenges with pet friendly tenancies, BC continues to be governed by people who seem to look the over way as dogs, cats and many other pets in the many thousands perish because there is no room for them anywhere.Likewise, the blatant bias and discrimination on behalf of BC lawmakers is unacceptable. Our loved ones should not be seperated from us because of inadequate, discriminatory and unfair laws.
The Basics. According to section 18 of the Residential Tenancy Act, landlords are allowed to restrict pets entirely, or set limits on the number, size, or type of pets a tenant can have in their rental unit.
Tenants Resource and Advisory Centre (TRAC)
Join our Make BC Pet-friendly campaign so that our family pets can live with us and bring joy and love into our lives.
Giving up a pet is a difficult, heart-wrenching decision for pet owners, many of whom consider their pet to be family as pets provide considerable emotional support and have a significant influence on the physiological and psychological health of their owners.
42nd session, BC Parliament, Submissions.