BC No-kill animal shelters, rescues and sanctuaries

British Columbia has thousands of animals in need of new homes.
If you have to surrender a pet or are looking for a special new furry family member, we invite you to check with the NO-Kill listings in your area below.
The Animal shelters, rescues and sanctuaries that we support place animals lives first. Your pet will be cared for with kindness and knowledgeable staff will provide helpful information.
Burnaby Small Animal Rescue https://smallanimalrescue.org/
Lake Country Warren Peace Bunny Sanctuary (closed since 2019) https://www.facebook.com/wpbsanctuary/
Langley Canadian Animal Rescue and Extended Shelter https://www.carescatshelter.com/
Lilloet Suzaku Sanctuary https://www.facebook.com/suzakusanctuary/
Maple Ridge Katie’s Place https://katiesplaceshelter.com/
Merritt Angel's Animal Rescue Society https://www.angelsanimalrescue.ca/
Mission Dog Way Dog Rescue Society https://www.dogwaydogrescue.org/
Mission FVHS - Fraser Valley Humane Society https://FraserValleyHumaneSociety.com
Nanaimo BC Chihuahua Rescue https://www.chirescue.org/
Nelson Kootenay Animal Assistance Program Socierty http://www.kaap.ca/
Richmond Richmond Animal Protection Society https://www.rapsbc.com/
Surrey Save Animals Through Rescue and Adoption Society https://www.sarasociety.com/
Vancouver Cross Our Paws Rescue https://www.crossourpawsrescue.com/
Vancouver Little Paws Rescue Society https://littlepawsrescue.ca/
Vancouver Meow Aid Shelter for Homeless Cats https://www.meowaid.org/
Vancouver VOKRA, Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association https://www.orphankittenrescue.com/
Victoria GVAC, Greater Victoria Animal Crusaders https://gvacrescue.com/
Victoria Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society https://www.victoriacatrescue.com/
For your rescue or sanctuary inclusion please contact us