Become a Star, Angel or Saint donor for their today and future.
Donations make their lives meaningful.
Thank you from the heart.

Here is my very caring and special Gift


A Rescuer is a special person in emergencies

A homeless animal is loved and often the only companionship

$326 - $625

A Star appears bringing hope and gratitude

donations help animals with veterinary care

$626 - $925

An Angel brings the spirit of love for all good to fruition

Angel guardian

$926 & above

Saints are honored with plaques commemorating contributions to pioneering or to continuing the growth of new and existing programs.

Helping animals and their guardians today and the future

Other ways of meaningful giving
Monthly Donor

Thank you for being there for those who are in need the most.

A lasting gift

A loving gift in your Will is forever cherished and bringing hope for those in need.

“I give to The Society For British Columbia Public Guardians And Animals (BC SPGA), Province Of British Columbia Incorporation number S0078569 the sum of $_________ exclusively for their programs."

thank you A loving gift in a Will is cherished forever
The possibilities are many and much appreciated with your business or service:
  • Sponsorships of events and programs
  • Sharing proceeds from sales
  • Gifts for contests
  • Matching donations

Our friendly reps welcome your idea or contribution for building a better BC for guardians and their animals and pets.

In Memory

Giving a gift in memory of a person or a pet is a special celebration of a life. We will assist in every way to make the special memory or dedication as you would like.

In loving memory of Oliver, Star, Kootenay and Bentley the Epona farm and rescue horses

Your donation from the heart is vital to help animals. A non-deductible receipt can be issued if requested.

Thank you for your support!